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공지사항Fee Calculation or tariff/additional tax information

27 Mar 2020
Views 1918

Fee Calculation

  • If you order products at Mariotronics for delivering to United States, United Kingdom, or other countries and regions, estimated customs clearance fee will be charged on ordered products.
  • If the user approves this, the forwarder or other agency will use that amount of money for paying customs clearance fee to delivered country’s organization instead of user(or receiver). (“the deposit for customs clearance fee”)
  • Importer is in charge of paying customs clearance fee, and it is charged by the law of delivered country.
  • Deposit for customs clearance fee depends on delivery method chosen. Customs clearance fee is expected amount of money for applicable tax and tariff, and this is not the real calculated result.
  • Tariff regulations and tax rate which can be applied for specific products can be changed between the estimated date of tax and tariff and real tax and tariff applied date of import on delivered county.
  • There are many cases where tariff or tax rate is decided based on the product classification which is different depending on countries or regions.
  • Tariff and tax is calculated based on the product’s market price (real price before promotion), not the price after promotion.
  • Therefore customs authorities of delivered country can collect exact import tariff and tax based on the product’s real value.
  • If real customs clearance fee exceeds estimated amount of money, Mariotronics can charge extra fee.
  • If real customs clearance fee is less than estimated amount of money which Mariotronics collected, difference will be automatically refunded through the payment method which the user did on relevant order.
  • To user, email alarm which informs refund amount of money will be sent. This process takes within 60 days from the delivery date.


Product delivery fee for overseas delivery depends on the product, the delivery quantity and delivery option.

Upper article applies to all replacements which can be delivered again because of problem on original delivery.

When you return the product to Mariotronics, the user will become the exporter from original delivery destination, and is responsible for observing all export laws of relevant country or region.

Information about Tariff and additional tax

  • When you ordered at, the user should check whether the relevant product can be imported legally to delivery destination.
  • The receiver is importer and should observe all laws and regulations of delivery country. In case of orders which are sent from other countries except United States, United Kingdom or EU countries, import duty, tariffs and commission fee can be charged from delivery country.
  • For receiver of overseas delivery, tax, tariffs and commission fee can be charged after delivery arrival on receiver’s country.
  • The receiver has to execute the payment of extra fee for customs clearance. Mariotronics does not involve in this fee and cannot estimate the amount.
  • You have to check the details by inquiring regional Office of Customs Administration because customs policy can be different. If the customs clearance process is needed, it can be delayed than originally estimated shipment schedule.


  • The Office of Customs Administration of some countries or regions requires submission of specific form of certificate to importers before delivery. The user may be required for providing proof number such as unique identification number, CPF or Tax ID.
  • The countries/regions which require proof number is as below.

          - Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, India, Israel, Peru, Qatar, the Republic of South Africa, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Turkey.





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32, Gongdan-ro 140beonan-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 




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